Thursday, April 02, 2009

Power of the New World
It is a world that's been waiting just around the corner, and not all the current generations are able to accept such a world. Some would describe it as a world of acceptance, to others it is a world of distortion and the rest just couldn't be bothered. To me it is a world of confusion and soon they will have to redefine the definition of 'He' and 'She' in all the existing languages in this .... confusing world. The fact that Gay Marriage is legalized in some countries already signifying that the world is changing. Thanks to our most accepted governing style - the Democrazeeeee... See! I'm not entirely against it... i just couldn't accept it for now... Perhaps our next generation could accept it easier relatively speaking.

Only two letters to describe our changing world - GG!
And what world is that? Click play below and you'll find out soon.


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