Saturday, February 07, 2009

Alternate viewpoints

Having just come off of watching Liverpool win a game in the dying minutes after having to come from behind twice (this phrase just sounds so wrong), I could go on about how we can all take heart from never giving up and always sticking to our guns. But of course the other team did that too and look how it worked for them!! Therefore, on the account of duality, this point is moot. I will however present you with an interesting morsel I stumbled upon online.

Yahoo's most recent top queries show us that people really are looking for jobs. I mean, literally, searching for jobs. Failing that, they look for online jobs because surely with the vastness of the inter-ma-net there's gotta be something out there. There is in fact a distinction between looking for jobs online and looking for an online job. Who'd have thought? If you can't find a job, why not download a pirated copy of Quantum of Solace and watch that in spite of it being shit. Stag parties are one way to combat the unemployment blues as well. Nothing makes being unemployed easier to deal with than going out and getting smashed with your also jobless best friends and splashing money you don't really have on strippers before the wedding that'll render that already quickly diminishing bank balance void. And why not shop for Christmas gifts early since most major retailers will be out of business by the time Christmas comes this year. These are pretty dark times we live in. The point of this post? I'm not entirely sure. If I had to look for one, it'd be that no matter how grim things may be, there're always different and oft funnier ways of looking at things. Doesn't change the fact that being broke still sucks though.


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