Friday, May 01, 2009

Night Runs

It always amazes me how people are afraid of the dark. But when you look at it from the right point of view, there is also beauty in the darkness. Ive learned alot about this through the night runs and workouts I do when time doesnt afford me a daytime one.

Going through town lake at night, there's a nice sense of quietness and peacefulness not found during the day when its filled up with people. If youre attentive enough, youll hear and see so many things not found during the day. As I run along at my steady 7min/mile pace, there's a lot to savor and think about, and my night runs gives me the oppotunity to reflect and learn.

This week's thoughts during my night workouts focused around four simple steps that successful people always have: Run when others walk; sleep when others party; take your weakness and make it your strength; and keep your body under control at all times. I found that this 4 points have served me well in my athletic career and life.

The message is very clear in my head as I run - “Your destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice, eventually you will choose where you are going.” Obvious advice but so many people never seem to take any form of responsility for their actions and usually blame other factors.

I guess my message for this week is, " Everything we are and we will be, are results of our own actions." However due to the fact that we are all given different types of conditions to grow under, not everyone will turn out the same. So we take the best with whatever we have been given and try to maximize that, plus at the same time we try to turn our weaknesses into a source strength for ourselves.

And the other thing is, night doesnt last forerver enjoy it while you can before the day comes!

Time to get back to work now,


1 comment:

Cow said...

Actually I kinda prefer running at night.. minus the annoying dogs of course.

I like how in the silence, you can only hear the sound of your own breathing. =)